Auto-subscription to content
On GCconnex, you will automatically be subscribed to notifications (both on site and by email) when you:
- Create new content
- You will receive notifications related to the content you create when someone adds a comment or replies to it (e.g. comments on a blog or file, reply to a discussion topics, etc.). These notifications can be managed from the “Personal Notifications” section.
- Join a group
- After joining a group, you will start receiving notifications related to all new content added to that group, such as a new blog post, a new discussion topic, a new page, etc. These notifications can be managed from the “Group Notifications” section.
- Manually subscribe to the content using the bell icon;
- You post a comment about that content;
- Post a reply to that content;
- Share that content.
Note: you will not receive notifications related content that you “like” or “share”. These notifications can be managed from the “Other Content Subscriptions” section
Subscribing to specific content from a page
On GCconnex, you also have the option to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to notifications directly from the page you are viewing.
- Go to the content of interest
- Click on the bell icon:
- to subscribe - the bell will become a solid colour
- to unsubscribe - the bell will become greyed out with a line going across
- to subscribe - the bell will become a solid colour